Fellow annihilationists/conditionalists Ronnie and Joey Dear join me for more than 3 hours to discuss Ronnie’s debate with TurretinFan, my debate with Hiram Diaz, and arguments made against our view following the debate. This episode contains part three of three; listen to episodes 72 and 73 for parts one and two, respectively.
Category Archives: Ronnie
Episode 73: Exterminate Annihilate Destroy
Fellow annihilationists/conditionalists Ronnie and Joey Dear join me for more than 3 hours to discuss Ronnie’s debate with TurretinFan, my debate with Hiram Diaz, and arguments made against our view following the debate. This episode contains part two of three; listen to episodes 72 and 74 for parts one and three, respectively.

Episode 72: Drag Me to Hell
Fellow annihilationists/conditionalists Ronnie and Joey Dear join me for more than 3 hours to discuss Ronnie’s debate with TurretinFan, my debate with Hiram Diaz, and arguments made against our view following the debate. This episode contains part one of three; listen to episodes 73 and 74 for parts two and three, respectively.
Episode 65: Immortal
Debate topic: “Unsaved humans will suffer everlasting conscious torment.” Pseudonymous blogger TurretinFan affirms, whereas Ronnie from the Consuming Fire blog denies. This episode is part 2 of their debate, including cross-examination, Q&A and closing arguments. Listen to episode 64, “Consuming Fire,” for part 1’s opening statements and rebuttals.
Episode 64: Consuming Fire
Debate topic: “Unsaved humans will suffer everlasting conscious torment.” Pseudonymous blogger TurretinFan affirms, whereas Ronnie from the Consuming Fire blog denies. This episode is part 1 of their debate, including their opening statements and rebuttals. Listen to episode 65, “Immortal,” for part 2’s cross-examination, Q&A and closing arguments.