Sam Frost, formerly a leading influential hyperpreterist, joins me today to talk about his amazing story and his upcoming book, Why I Left Full Preterism. This episode contains part 1 of the interview; stay tuned for episode 101 for part 2.
- The Strokes, The End Has No End from the album, Room on Fire, 2003
Promoted Resources
- Real Apologetics, with Jamin Hübner.
- Check out the podcast, “The Provocative Microphone of the Christian Religion,” via the RSS feed or the iTunes Store
- Reign of Christ Ministries, Sam’s ministry
- American Vision, where you will be able to purchase Sam’s book
Great podcast, guys!
Thanks, Jason! Sam tells me you have quite the story to tell as well. Would you be interested in being interviewed?
Sure, bro! Hollar at me on FB when you’re ready. Thanks!
Good interview. I enjoyed Sam’s story as to how he came to understanding Biblical fulfillment and ultimately how creeds and a certain paradigm led to him leaving.
I can understand why having certain paradigms furthered by the seemingly unsuccessful “church plant with Fulfilled Eschatology can lead to dismay and further confusion. I do believe it was seeking to push certain aspects of Scripture into a “orthodox” box that was responsible for your departure from full preterism.
Michael, (who is a Hyper Preterist), continues to say things like, “how creeds and a certain paradigm led to him leaving.” Nope. SCRIPTURES were the cause, Michael. This is the caricature you guys constantly try to portray. I know. I did the same thing.