My friend Dee Dee Warren joins me to discuss preterism, the Olivet Discourse, and her new book, It’s Not the End of the World! A Commentary on Matthew 24 and a Response to Pop Christian Theology.
Category Archives: Dispensationalism
Episode 87: The Seven Angels
James B. Jordan joins me to discuss how the symbolism of the book of Revelation supports a preteristic interpretation and points to an early date for its authorship.
Episode 78: Apocalypse Unsealed
Dr. Kenneth Gentry joins me to discuss preterism and the book of Revelation.
Episode 43: Israel, My Beloved
My good friend David J. joins me for the second installment in our Israelology series to discuss the people and nation of Israel and her relationship to the Church.
Episode 39: This Generation Shall Not Pass
In Matthew 24:34 Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” The meaning of Jesus’ statement seem obvious, but most Christians in America today think He was saying something else. How is the phrase, “this generation,” used by Jesus and others in the Bible? And what impact does that have on Jesus’ words in the Olivet Discourse?

Episode 19: Leave the Past Behind
In this episode of the Theopologetics Podcast I play some calls I made in to the Stand to Reason radio show with Greg Koukl on the topic of preterism, hyperpreterism and skepticism, as a follow up to episodes 17 and 18 in which I interviewed Dee Dee Warren on the same topics.
Episode 18: It’s All Over
In this episode of the Theopologetics Podcast I interview Dee Dee Warren on the claim made by skeptics of Christianity that Jesus was a false prophet, discussing how a proper biblical understanding of the “end times” turns the claim on its head. The interview spanned nearly 2 hours, so I’ve split it up into two parts. This episode contains the second half of the interview; see episode 17 for the first half.
Episode 17: The End of the World
In this episode of the Theopologetics Podcast I interview Dee Dee Warren on the claim made by skeptics of Christianity that Jesus was a false prophet, discussing how a proper biblical understanding of the “end times” turns the claim on its head. The interview spanned nearly 2 hours, so I’ve split it up into two parts. This episode contains the first half of the interview; see episode 18 for the second half.