Coming Soon: Interview with Philip Payne

Philip PayneDr. Philip B. Payne is well known for his studies on New Testament Textual Criticism, the Parables of Jesus, and Man and Woman in the Teachings of Paul. He and his wife Nancy were missionaries in Japan with the Evangelical Free Church, where they ministered to students in the Kyoto Christian Studies Center and lectured on New Testament in various Japanese Seminaries. On the one hand, because I’ve been a student of 日本語 (Japanese) myself, I feel a sense of kinship with Dr. Payne. On the other hand, my being a complementarian puts me at odds with Dr. Payne when it comes to the roles of men and women in the Church.

One in ChristComing soon, Dr. Payne joins me to challenge me and my listeners with his position in the debate between complementarianism and egalitarianism, as put forward in his book, Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul’s Letters. I must admit, his treatment of the topic is the first I’ve come across from his perspective which seems to try and take the original text of the New Testament seriously. You and I may disagree with him when the interview is over, but it probably won’t be for the typical reasons we disagree with egalitarians. Stay tuned!

Calling Contentious Credobaptists!

OK, obviously I’m not looking for someone truly contentious, but it made for a clever (arguably) alliteration. In all seriousness, now that we’ve had an infant baptism debate between a Protestant and an Eastern Orthodox, I think it would be useful to have a debate between two Protestants, one a creedobaptist, the other a paedobaptist. I think I have a listener who’d be interested in representing the Presbyterian perspective. If you or anybody you know might be interested in representing the Baptist perspective, please contact me. I’d love to set something up!

Episode 84: When You Believe

Debate topic: “Infants are not the proper subjects of the ordinance of baptism.” Jamin Hübner, founder of and author of The Portable Presuppositionalist, affirms. Eastern Orthodox Rev. Pr. Laurent Cleenewerck, editor of The Eastern / Greek Orthodox New Testament, denies. This episode is part 2 of their debate, including the second round of cross-examination, closing statements and listener Q&A; listen to episode 83, “God Bless the Child,” for part 1’s opening statements, rebuttals and first round of cross-examination.

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Episode 83: God Bless the Child

Debate topic: “Infants are not the proper subjects of the ordinance of baptism.” Jamin Hübner, founder of and author of The Portable Presuppositionalist, affirms. Eastern Orthodox Rev. Pr. Laurent Cleenewerck, editor of The Eastern / Greek Orthodox New Testament, denies. This episode is part 1 of their debate, including their opening statements, rebuttals and first round of cross-examination; listen to episode 84, “When You Believe,” for part 2’s second round of cross-examination, closing statements and listener Q&A.

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Coming Up: Eastern Orthodoxy / Infant Baptism Debate

Next up on the Theopologetics podcast: what will be the seventh Theopologetics Debate, this time on infant baptism between a credobaptist Protestant and an Eastern Orthodox theologian. Jamin Hübner, founder of and author of The Saving Grace of God, Light Up the Darkness, and The Portable Presuppositionalist, goes toe to toe with Eastern Orthodox Rev. Pr. Laurent Cleenewerck, editor of The Eastern / Greek Orthodox New Testament and faculty member at EUCLID and Humboldt State University.

Be sure to email me at if you want to pose a question to either participant! Make sure to tell me to whom you wish the question directed.

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Episode 82: Tradition

Debate topic: “Affirming Sola Scriptura: Scripture is the only infallible rule of doctrine and practice for Christians today.” Rob Bowman, Director of Research at The Institute for Religious Research, affirms. Eastern Orthodox Rev. Pr. Laurent Cleenewerck, editor of The Eastern / Greek Orthodox New Testament, denies. Moderated by Chris Date. This episode contains part two of the debate, including cross-examination, closing statements and listener Q&A; listen to episode 81, “Sola Scriptura,” for part one’s opening arguments and rebuttals.

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Episode 81: Sola Scriptura

Debate topic: “Affirming Sola Scriptura: Scripture is the only infallible rule of doctrine and practice for Christians today.” Rob Bowman, Director of Research at The Institute for Religious Research, affirms. Eastern Orthodox Rev. Pr. Laurent Cleenewerck, editor of The Eastern / Greek Orthodox New Testament, denies. Moderated by Chris Date. This episode contains part one of the debate, including opening arguments and rebuttals; listen to episode 82, “Tradition,” for part two’s cross-examination, closing arguments and listener Q&A.

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Episode 58: God Is in the House

Stephen Atkerson from the New Testament Reformation Fellowship joins me to discuss house churches and New Testament patterns of church practice. This episode contains part 2 of the interview. Listen to episode 57, “God is in the House,” for part 1.

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Episode 57: Our House

Stephen Atkerson from the New Testament Reformation Fellowship joins me to discuss house churches and New Testament patterns of church practice. This episode contains part 1 of the interview. Stay tuned for episode 58, “God is in the House,” for part 2.

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Episode 40: She’s the Boss

Matt Slick from the Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry joins me to discuss the appropriateness of women pastors and elders.

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