Podcast audio version of episode 029 of the Theopologetics live YouTube stream, available for on-demand viewing at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMzJmwujnNM.

Podcast audio version of episode 029 of the Theopologetics live YouTube stream, available for on-demand viewing at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMzJmwujnNM.
Originally posted October 17th, 2010. Having finished moving over the content from Podbean to the new web host, it’s time to begin moving over the much older content from Blogger. Whereas with the podcast feed I wanted to recreate it with the original publish dates and everything, I’ve decided I’ll just periodically reach into the Blogger archive and post something I think was valuable enough to republish here. Enjoy this first one!
Pentecostals and some proponents of baptismal regeneration believe baptism in the Holy Spirit is something different from, above and beyond, the saving, indwelling of the Holy Spirit. In an attempt to demonstrate this, they’ll often argue that the Apostles received the Holy Spirit well before Pentecost. Thus, they insist, the baptism in the Holy Spirit which they experienced at Pentecost must be something different from, something more than, the receiving of the Holy Spirit which they already experienced. This is, in fact, not the case, as the Word of God demonstrates.
Mike Abendroth from No Compromise Radio joins me to discuss the biblical gift of tongues.
In this episode of the Theopologetics Podcast I interview Gene Cook, Jr., host of The Narrow Mind radio show, discussing the doctrine of baptismal regeneration, which teaches that water baptism is a prerequisite for salvation.
In this episode of the Theopologetics Podcast I discuss “baptism in the Holy Spirit,” which Charismatics, Pentecostals and some others claim is a special empowering by the Holy Spirit manifested through spiritual gifts, and is separate and distinct from the saving indwelling of the Holy Spirit experienced by all genuine Christians.