Podcast audio version of episode 001 of the Theopologetics live YouTube stream, available for on-demand viewing at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVEwZ8DQlgg.

Podcast audio version of episode 001 of the Theopologetics live YouTube stream, available for on-demand viewing at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVEwZ8DQlgg.
Dr. John Peckham joins me to discuss what we mean when we say God is love, about which he writes in his book, The Love of God: A Canonical Model.
Dr. Adam Johnson, Assistant Professor of Theology at the Torrey Honors Institute at Biola University, joins me to discuss the atoning work of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Dr. Johnson’s recent book, Atonement: A Guide for the Perplexed.
My friend Dee Dee Warren joins me to discuss preterism, the Olivet Discourse, and her new book, It’s Not the End of the World! A Commentary on Matthew 24 and a Response to Pop Christian Theology.
Once a complementarian, Dr. Jamin Hübner, author of A Case for Female Deacons (Wipf & Stock, 2014) and a number of academic journal articles, joins me to discuss his change of mind and why he now thinks the Bible teaches egalitarianism.
Debate topic: “Mary, the mother of Jesus, remained a virgin her entire life.” Eastern Orthodox Reverend Laurent Cleenewerck, author of Aiparthenos | Ever-Virgin? affirms; Robert Zins, Ministry Director at CWRC (A Christian Witness to Roman Catholicism), denies. This episode contains the complete, 2+ hour debate.
Debate topic: “The Father Alone Existed as God Prior To The Incarnation.” Oneness Pentecostalism Evangelist and Apologist Steven Ritchie affirms; Michael Burgos, author of Kiss the Son: A Christological Apology in Response to David K. Bernard’s The Oneness of God, denies. This episode contains the complete, 2+ hour debate.
Dr. Ted Rivera, Associate Professor and Department Chair at the Liberty University School of Religion, joins me to discuss his recent book, Reforming Mercy Ministry: A Practical Guide to Loving Your Neighbor.
Debate topic: “At conception, Jesus was not God and man.” Cornell Thomas, author of Searching for Answers: When God Reveals His Image, affirms; Michael Burgos, author of Kiss the Son: A Christological Apology in Response to David K. Bernard’s The Oneness of God, denies. This episode contains the complete, 2+ hour debate.
Joseph Hinman joins me to discuss the apologetic value of religious experience and his book, The Trace of God: A Rational Warrant for Belief.