Episode 71: Forever the Pain

Debate topic: “The punishment of the damned will actually be torment forever and ever.” Hiram Diaz, creator of the Involuted Speculations blog and contributor at Grassroots Apologetics, affirms. Chris Date, host of the Theopologetics Podcast, denies. Moderated by Mike Felker of The Apologetic Front. This episode contains part 2 of the debate, including the second round of cross-examination, listener Q&A and closing statements. Listen to episode 70, “Perish in Fire,” for part 1’s opening statements, rebuttals and first round of cross-examination.

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Episode 70: Perish in Fire

Debate topic: “The punishment of the damned will actually be torment forever and ever.” Hiram Diaz, creator of the Involuted Speculations blog and contributor at Grassroots Apologetics, affirms. Chris Date, host of the Theopologetics Podcast, denies. Moderated by Mike Felker of The Apologetic Front. This episode contains part 1 of the debate, including opening statements, rebuttals and the first round of cross-examination. Listen to episode 71, “Wailing and Gnashing,” for part 2’s second round of cross-examination, listener Q&A and closing statements.

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Episode 69: When The Saints Go Marching In

Dr. Mike Licona from Risen Jesus Ministries joins me to discuss the resurrection of Jesus and the recent controversy over his interpretation of Matthew 27:51-53.

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Episode 68: The Great I Am

Debate topic: “The deity of Christ is taught in the following texts or families of texts: John 12:41 (cf. Isa. 6 and 53), 1 Cor. 8:5-6, Heb. 1, Col. 1:15-17, and the “I am” statements of Jesus (John 8:24/58, 13:19, 18:5-6).” Dr. James White, Director of Alpha and Omega Ministries and author of The Forgotten Trinity, affirms. Patrick Navas, author of Divine Truth or Human Tradition?: A Reconsideration of the Orthodox Doctrine of the Trinity in Light of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, denies. This episode is part 2 of their debate, including their interaction with Heb. 1, Col. 1:15-17, and the “I am statements” of Jesus (John 8:24/58, 13:19, 18:5-6). Listen to episode 67, “Firstborn of Creation,” for part 1’s opening statements and interaction with John 12:41 and 1 Cor. 8:5-6.

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Episode 67: Firstborn of Creation

Debate topic: “The deity of Christ is taught in the following texts or families of texts: John 12:41 (cf. Isa. 6 and 53), 1 Cor. 8:5-6, Heb. 1, Col. 1:15-17, and the “I am” statements of Jesus (John 8:24/58, 13:19, 18:5-6).” Dr. James White, Director of Alpha and Omega Ministries and author of The Forgotten Trinity, affirms. Patrick Navas, author of Divine Truth or Human Tradition?: A Reconsideration of the Orthodox Doctrine of the Trinity in Light of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, denies. This episode is part 1 of their debate, including their opening statements and interaction with John 12:41 and 1 Cor. 8:5-6. Listen to episode 68, “The Great I Am,” for part 2’s interaction with Heb. 1, Col. 1:15-17, and the “I am statements” of Jesus (John 8:24/58, 13:19, 18:5-6).

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Episode 66: Real Knowledge

Dr. R. Scott Smith from Biola University joins me to discuss why he believes in a dualistic view of man as a deep unity of material body and immaterial soul, and why he doesn’t think physicalism can account for real knowledge.

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Episode 65: Immortal

Debate topic: “Unsaved humans will suffer everlasting conscious torment.” Pseudonymous blogger TurretinFan affirms, whereas Ronnie from the Consuming Fire blog denies. This episode is part 2 of their debate, including cross-examination, Q&A and closing arguments. Listen to episode 64, “Consuming Fire,” for part 1’s opening statements and rebuttals.

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Episode 64: Consuming Fire

Debate topic: “Unsaved humans will suffer everlasting conscious torment.” Pseudonymous blogger TurretinFan affirms, whereas Ronnie from the Consuming Fire blog denies. This episode is part 1 of their debate, including their opening statements and rebuttals. Listen to episode 65, “Immortal,” for part 2’s cross-examination, Q&A and closing arguments.

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Episode 63: Lake of Fire

Dr. Larry Dixon, author of The Other Side of the Good News, joins me to discuss why he believes the traditional view of hell, and not annihilationism, is the biblical teaching concerning the fate of the wicked. This episode is part 2 of the interview; for part 1, listen to episode 62, “The Other Side.”

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Episode 62: The Other Side

Dr. Larry Dixon, author of The Other Side of the Good News, joins me to discuss why he believes the traditional view of hell, and not annihilationism, is the biblical teaching concerning the fate of the wicked. This episode is part 1 of the interview; for part 2, listen to episode 63, “Lake of Fire.”

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