Mike Abendroth from No Compromise Radio joins me to discuss the biblical gift of tongues.
Episode 28: Testify
Jim Wallace from Please Convince Me joins me to discuss the gospels as reliable eyewitness testimony to the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Episode 27: In the Beginning
Steve Ham from Answers in Genesis joins me to discuss the book of Genesis, creation and the authority of Scripture.
Episode 26: More Than a Feeling
Greg Koukl from Stand to Reason joins me to discuss the importance of careful thinking when it comes to the Christian faith.
Episode 25: Flesh and Bone
The Bible teaches the bodily resurrection of Jesus and that of all the dead, contrary to claims made by theological liberals, hyperpreterists and Jehovah’s Witnesses that 1 Corinthians 15 speaks of a spiritual, non-physical resurrection.
Episode 24: Mecca and Medina
Alan Shlemon from Stand to Reason joins me to discuss Islam and how to reach out to Muslims.
Episode 23: Youth of the Nation
Brett Kunkle, Student Impact Directory at Stand to Reason, joins me to discuss youth ministry and the challenges to faith experienced by youth today.
Episode 22: Mr. Smith
In this episode of the Theopologetics Podcast I interview Joel Groat, Director of Ministries for the Institute for Religious Research, and discuss the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, otherwise known as Mormonism. This episode contains the second half of the interview; see episode 21, “The Saints Are Coming,” for the first half.
Episode 21: The Saints Are Coming
In this episode of the Theopologetics Podcast I interview Joel Groat, Director of Ministries for the Institute for Religious Research, and discuss the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, otherwise known as Mormonism. This episode contains the first half of the interview; see episode 22, “Mr. Smith,” for the second half.
Episode 20: Faith Healer
In this episode of the Theopologetics Podcast I interview Justin Peters and discuss the Word of Faith movement, its origins, its doctrines and its consequences.