Debate topic: “The Father Alone Existed as God Prior To The Incarnation.” Oneness Pentecostalism Evangelist and Apologist Steven Ritchie affirms; Michael Burgos, author of Kiss the Son: A Christological Apology in Response to David K. Bernard’s The Oneness of God, denies. This episode contains the complete, 2+ hour debate.
Episode 117: Mercy Mercy Me
Dr. Ted Rivera, Associate Professor and Department Chair at the Liberty University School of Religion, joins me to discuss his recent book, Reforming Mercy Ministry: A Practical Guide to Loving Your Neighbor.
Episode 116: Near to the Heart of God
Debate topic: “At conception, Jesus was not God and man.” Cornell Thomas, author of Searching for Answers: When God Reveals His Image, affirms; Michael Burgos, author of Kiss the Son: A Christological Apology in Response to David K. Bernard’s The Oneness of God, denies. This episode contains the complete, 2+ hour debate.
Episode 115: Traces of You
Joseph Hinman joins me to discuss the apologetic value of religious experience and his book, The Trace of God: A Rational Warrant for Belief.
Short Essay on Inerrancy and Inspiration
As listeners to my podcast will know, I have begun undergraduate studies online at Liberty University, working toward a Bachelor of Science in Religion—Biblical and Theological Studies. This has (hopefully understandably) reduced my blog and podcast output, both here and at, which I was already struggling to balance with a full-time secular career and growing family. I do have an interview recorded for an upcoming episode of the Theopologetics podcast, which I’ll publish soon, and I’ll be moderating a Christological debate in August, but to keep the blog alive in the meantime, as well as in the future between podcast episodes, I’ve decided to publish some of my coursework.
I submitted the following short essay on the inerrancy and inspiration of Scripture a couple of months in a first semester course in theology. I won’t reproduce the assignment instructions or grading rubric, except to say that it was required to consist of between 600 and 800 words, and to be primarily based upon articles in the second edition of the Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, published in 2001 by Baker Academic. Naturally, then, I was limited to the extent I could explore, consider, and respond to arguments against my view, which is that Scripture is, indeed, inerrant. Please keep that in mind, as well as that this fulfilled a requirement of an undergraduate theology course, not one at the graduate or postgraduate levels. Continue reading
Episode 114: Pure Desire
Dr. Ted Roberts, founder of Pure Desire Ministries, joins me to discuss sexual purity, lust, and pornography.
Episode 113: You Are God Alone (Not A God)
Unitarian Dave Barron joins me to share his thoughts in response to Trinitarian Dr. Chris Tilling’s thesis, which Chris and I discussed back in episode 111. Then, Chris comes on again to respond to Dave. A thought provoking, super-sized episode!
Episode 112: He Is the Great I Am
My good friend Michael Burgos, author of Kiss the Son and editor of the JTSA, volumes one and two, joins me to discuss the important and profound “I am” statements of Jesus.
Episode 111: Jesus, Sweet Saviour Divine
Dr. Chris Tilling joins me to discuss the deity of Christ and his book, Paul’s Divine Christology, as the first of what I hope will be a few episodes intended to help my friend Dr. Phil Fernandes prepare for his November debate, in which he’ll be defending the deity of Christ.
Episode 110: My Substitute
My friend Dr. Steve Jeffery, minister of Emmanuel Evangelical Church in Southgate, North London, joins me for part two of our discussion of Penal Substitutionary Atonement as a follow-up to his recent discussion on “Unbelievable?” radio, a doctrine he and his co-authors defend in Pierced for Our Transgressions: Rediscovering the Glory of Penal Substitution.