Sam Frost, formerly a leading influential hyperpreterist, joins me today to talk about his amazing story and his upcoming book, Why I Left Full Preterism. This episode contains part 1 of the interview; stay tuned for episode 101 for part 2.
Episode 99: Take Over the World
Part 2 of my conversation with Steve Jeffery who joins me to discuss postmillennialism and the Christianization of nations around the world.
Episode 98: All the Nations
Steve Jeffery joins me to discuss postmillennialism and the Christianization of nations around the world.
A Listener’s Response to Jim Hamilton (Part 1)
In episodes 85 and 86 I interviewed egalitarian Dr. Philip Payne, and found his case somewhat compelling. Recently I interviewed Dr. Jim Hamilton in episodes 96 and 97 for his complementarian response to Dr. Payne, which I also found compelling. While I lean toward complementarianism at this point, I find myself impressed by the case made by scholarly proponents of each position, and I don’t believe egalitarianism—at least of the sort promoted by Dr. Payne—can be as easily dismissed as I once thought.
I am reaching out to notable egalitarians asking if I may interview them for their response to Hamilton, or if they’re interested in a debate. In the meantime, listener Allison has written a review of part 1 of the Hamilton interview, which you can find here. With her permission, I’m reproducing it in its entirety below. Discuss!
Episode 97: He Rules the Roost
Part two of my discussion with complementarian Dr. Jim Hamilton in which he offers his response to the egalitarianism of Dr. Philip Payne.
Episode 96: He Made Woman For Man
Dr. Jim Hamilton joins me to offer his complementarian response to the egalitarianism of Dr. Philip Payne. This episode contains part one of the interview; stay tuned for part two.
Episode 95: Deeper Waters
Nick and Allie Peters join me to talk about living as Christians with Asperger Syndrome and how the church can do more for people with disabilities.
Episode 94: Shalom Jerusalem
Debate topic: “There are no biblical promises awaiting fulfillment in the nation, or ethnic descendants, of Israel.” Steve Gregg of The Narrow Path affirms. Dr. Michael Brown of Ask Dr. Brown denies. Due to hectic schedules, the debate had to be limited to an hour: two 7.5-minute openings, 30 minutes of informal dialogue, and two 5-minute closings.
Episode 93: New Earth
Debate topic: “All Christians in the New Covenant will live forever in heaven with Christ.” Fred Torres is a Jehovah’s Witness and affirms. My friend Mike Felker of The Apologetic Front denies. Fred and Mike have been recording a modular debate; they each recorded and sent me their opening statements and rebuttals separately over a span of weeks, with live cross-examination and listener-submitted Q&A. This episode contains part 2’s cross-examination. Listen to episode 91, “Heaven Lasts Forever,” for part 1’s opening statements and first rebuttals. Please email me your questions to Fred and Mike for the third installment’s second rebuttals, Q&A and closing statements.
Episode 92: No Other God
Dr. John Frame, author of No Other God: A Response to Open Theism, joins me to discuss Open Theism and the love and foreknowledge of God.