Episode 91: Heaven Lasts Forever

Debate topic: “All Christians in the New Covenant will live forever in heaven with Christ.” Fred Torres is a Jehovah’s Witness and affirms. My friend Mike Felker of The Apologetic Front denies. Fred and Mike have been recording a modular debate; they each recorded and sent me their opening statements and rebuttals separately over a span of weeks, with live cross-examination and listener-submitted Q&A. This episode contains part 1 of the debate, including opening statements and first rebuttals. A future episode will contain part 2’s cross-examination. Please email me your questions to Fred and Mike for the third installment’s second rebuttals, Q&A and closing statements.

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Episode 90: Christ Died For Us

Debate topic: “The final punishment of the risen wicked will be annihilation, the permanent end to the conscious existence of the entire person.” Chris Date, host of the Theopologetics podcast and contributor to the Rethinking Hell blog and podcast, affirms. Joshua Whipps, creator of the Razor’s Kiss blog and author at Choosing Hats, denies. Dee Dee Warren, friend to Chris and host of The Preterist Podcast, moderates. This episode is part 3 of the debate, including the second round of cross-examination, closing statements and listener Q&A. Listen to episode 88 for part 1’s opening statements and first rebuttals; listen to episode 89 for part 2’s first round of cross-examination and second rebuttals.

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Episode 89: God of Wrath

Debate topic: “The final punishment of the risen wicked will be annihilation, the permanent end to the conscious existence of the entire person.” Chris Date, host of the Theopologetics podcast and contributor to the Rethinking Hell blog and podcast, affirms. Joshua Whipps, creator of the Razor’s Kiss blog and author at Choosing Hats, denies. Dee Dee Warren, friend to Chris and host of The Preterist Podcast, moderates. This episode is part 2 of the debate, including the first round of cross-examination and second rebuttals. Listen to episode 88 for part 1’s opening statements and first rebuttals; listen to episode 90 for part 3’s second round of cross-examination, closing statements and listener Q&A.

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Episode 88: Death Eternal

Debate topic: “The final punishment of the risen wicked will be annihilation, the permanent end to the conscious existence of the entire person.” Chris Date, host of the Theopologetics podcast and contributor to the Rethinking Hell blog and podcast, affirms. Joshua Whipps, creator of the Razor’s Kiss blog and author at Choosing Hats, denies. Dee Dee Warren, friend to Chris and host of The Preterist Podcast, moderates. This episode is part 1 of the debate, including opening statements and first rebuttals. Listen to episode 89 for part 2’s first round of cross-examination and second rebuttals; listen to episode 90 for part 3’s second round of cross-examination, closing statements and listener Q&A.

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Episode 87: The Seven Angels

James B. JordanJames B. Jordan joins me to discuss how the symbolism of the book of Revelation supports a preteristic interpretation and points to an early date for its authorship.

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Upcoming Annihilationism Debate: Your Input Needed!

It’s about two and a half weeks until my upcoming debate with Joshua Whipps of http://www.choosinghats.com/ on the topic of annihilationism. I’ve carefully followed the posts Joshua has authored and have listened to his recent podcast episode, and am looking forward to discussing the biblical texts and the theological issues Joshua intends to bring to bear in the debate. As of yet I remain convinced of the biblical case for annihilationism, and I find Joshua’s responses unconvincing, but I am thankful as he has caused me to study the topic in greater depth, further consider its place within systematic theology, better nuance my view and articulate it more precisely. What’s more, I appreciate the intensity and seriousness with which he is coming into the debate, for if my position is unbiblical (and therefore untrue), my prayer is that the Lord would use Joshua to make that clear to me and everyone who listens to the debate.

We do need your help, though. Our debate moderator, my friend Dee Dee Warren, will have some time to pose your questions to Joshua and me after our closing arguments. I’ve found that the Q&A portion of debates can be very useful, so long as the questions are relevant and of high quality. Dee Dee has received a number of questions for me, but as of a few days ago she had not yet received any questions for Joshua. If you have a question you’d like one of us to answer, please email her at preteristpodcast@gmail.com, letting her know to which of us she should pose the question (we will both have an opportunity to respond, but the one asked the question will have longer).

Also, in addition to your questions, please pray for us and for the debate. Pray that Joshua and I would be humble and gracious toward one another, while nevertheless treating our opponent’s position as the serious error—perhaps even heresy—we believe it to be. Pray that the truth God has revealed to us in the Bible—whether that’s what I’ll be arguing or what Joshua will be arguing—would be made evident to both of us and to everyone who listens. The Lord can and does soften hearts and open minds, and if any of us is stubbornly refusing to see the truth, may the Lord be merciful.

Update: Dr. Brown Debates Israel–with Steve Gregg!

As originally explained here, Dr. Brown was going to debate Travis Finley on my show on the status of Israel. However, for personal reasons Travis had to cancel. Fortunately, Steve Gregg of The Narrow Path ministries has agreed to take Travis’ place! Read on for debate details…

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Episode 86: Adam’s Rib

Philip PayneDr. Philip B. Payne joins me to present his case for egalitarianism, as put forward in his book, Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul’s Letters. This episode contains the second half of the interview in which Dr. Payne responds to common complementarian objections. Listen to episode 85, “One in Christ,” to learn a little bit about Dr. Payne and for his positive case for the egalitarian perspective.

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Episode 85: One in Christ

Philip PayneDr. Philip B. Payne joins me to present his case for egalitarianism, as put forward in his book, Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul’s Letters. This episode contains the first half of the interview in which Dr. Payne tells us a little bit about himself and his background, and presents his positive case for the egalitarian perspective. Listen to episode 86, “Adam’s Rib,” for part 2 of the interview in which he responds to common complementarian objections.

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Encouraging Response, but Help Still Needed!

As I explained in my previous post, Perissos Resources and TheologyWeb are trying to put together a large theology conference in Jacksonville, Floriday, for early 2013. Although details are still minimal, including the names of speakers and panelists, those ministries (and I) are reaching out to many big names to come and speak on a variety of topics. The conference does, truly, promise to be great–but first the ministries putting it together need to know that there is enough interest to justify the effort. Please go to this link and then to the survey it links to, and express your interest to come out to Jacksonville to meet Dee Dee Warren and me, and be edified by many other speakers. In the three-and-a-half days or so in which the survey has been up, they’ve received nearly 70 responses, which is very encouraging–an average of about 19 responses a day. But we still need 180 responses and have 10 more days to receive them, so make your voice heard!