Debate Announcement: Chris Date vs. Joshua Whipps on Annihilationism

What does the Bible teach is the nature of eternal punishment? To answer that question, Chris Date, host of the Theopologetics podcast, goes toe to toe with Joshua Whipps, creator of the Razor’s Kiss blog and author at Choosing Hats. Dee Dee Warren, friend to Chris and host of The Preterist Podcast, moderates. Tentatively scheduled for the June, 2012 timeframe, finalized details are below.

Be sure to email Dee Dee at if you want to pose a question to either participant. The debate will be pre-recorded, so Dee Dee will be asking questions on behalf of those who send them to her in advance. Make sure to specify which participant you would like asked your question; he will have 2.5 minutes to answer, and his opponent will have 60 seconds to follow up.

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Episode 71: Forever the Pain

Debate topic: “The punishment of the damned will actually be torment forever and ever.” Hiram Diaz, creator of the Involuted Speculations blog and contributor at Grassroots Apologetics, affirms. Chris Date, host of the Theopologetics Podcast, denies. Moderated by Mike Felker of The Apologetic Front. This episode contains part 2 of the debate, including the second round of cross-examination, listener Q&A and closing statements. Listen to episode 70, “Perish in Fire,” for part 1’s opening statements, rebuttals and first round of cross-examination.

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Episode 70: Perish in Fire

Debate topic: “The punishment of the damned will actually be torment forever and ever.” Hiram Diaz, creator of the Involuted Speculations blog and contributor at Grassroots Apologetics, affirms. Chris Date, host of the Theopologetics Podcast, denies. Moderated by Mike Felker of The Apologetic Front. This episode contains part 1 of the debate, including opening statements, rebuttals and the first round of cross-examination. Listen to episode 71, “Wailing and Gnashing,” for part 2’s second round of cross-examination, listener Q&A and closing statements.

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Episode 65: Immortal

Debate topic: “Unsaved humans will suffer everlasting conscious torment.” Pseudonymous blogger TurretinFan affirms, whereas Ronnie from the Consuming Fire blog denies. This episode is part 2 of their debate, including cross-examination, Q&A and closing arguments. Listen to episode 64, “Consuming Fire,” for part 1’s opening statements and rebuttals.

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Episode 64: Consuming Fire

Debate topic: “Unsaved humans will suffer everlasting conscious torment.” Pseudonymous blogger TurretinFan affirms, whereas Ronnie from the Consuming Fire blog denies. This episode is part 1 of their debate, including their opening statements and rebuttals. Listen to episode 65, “Immortal,” for part 2’s cross-examination, Q&A and closing arguments.

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Episode 63: Lake of Fire

Dr. Larry Dixon, author of The Other Side of the Good News, joins me to discuss why he believes the traditional view of hell, and not annihilationism, is the biblical teaching concerning the fate of the wicked. This episode is part 2 of the interview; for part 1, listen to episode 62, “The Other Side.”

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Episode 62: The Other Side

Dr. Larry Dixon, author of The Other Side of the Good News, joins me to discuss why he believes the traditional view of hell, and not annihilationism, is the biblical teaching concerning the fate of the wicked. This episode is part 1 of the interview; for part 2, listen to episode 63, “Lake of Fire.”

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