Podcast audio version of episode 001 of the Theopologetics live YouTube stream, available for on-demand viewing at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVEwZ8DQlgg.

Podcast audio version of episode 001 of the Theopologetics live YouTube stream, available for on-demand viewing at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVEwZ8DQlgg.
Dr. Mike Licona from Risen Jesus Ministries joins me to discuss the resurrection of Jesus and the recent controversy over his interpretation of Matthew 27:51-53.
The Bible teaches the bodily resurrection of Jesus and that of all the dead, contrary to claims made by theological liberals, hyperpreterists and Jehovah’s Witnesses that 1 Corinthians 15 speaks of a spiritual, non-physical resurrection.
This is the inaugural episode of the Theopologetics Podcast. The topic is the general resurrection of all the dead, which I use to introduce myself and what this podcast is all about. Related is a seeming ignorance of the doctrine in American Evangelicalism, which instead focuses on “heaven” as a place where our spirits go when we die, as well as a refutation of hyperpreterism’s claim that the resurrection is non-physical and happened in the first century.